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Pedigree FIN*Hämynhäivän Al-Salamanazar
Balinese red-point Geb. 17.5.2008 breeder: Heidi Ahman, Finland genetic code: aaBbcscsDdiiLL FIFE shows |
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Parents | Grandparents | Great-Grandparents | Great Great-Grandparents |
Sire: Hämynhäivän Öinen Aarre Balinese foreign white |
Neeron-Sha of blue Moon Balinese foreign white |
Edelweiss Erus of By-Aristotle Balinese chocolate-tabby-point |
Am. CH Purrmatix Stars & Stripes Forever Balinese seal-tabby-point |
Am. Ch, BW Purrmatix Undeniable Dreams Balinese blue-point |
Livia Drusilla of blue Moon
Balinese foreign white |
Am. GC Balijoy MichaelAngelo Balinese seal-point | ||
Kara Kandida of blue Moon Siamese foreign white |
FIN Hämynhäivän X-mas Pumpuli Balinese red-point |
FIN*Fercatin Lumstar Bambiboy Balinese red-point |
FIN*Taisirin Star on Stage Siamese seal-point |
IC Mummeli Danifax Lumikki
Balinese blue-tortie-point |
FIN*Hämynhäivään Tiramisu Blanche Siamese foreign white |
EC FIN*Arhantin Julius Cesar Siamese foreign white |
Swe-Scot Hester Balinese red-point |
Dam: Hämynhäivän Älskling Balinese seal-tortie-point |
Tistan Aäkerfräken Siamese seal-point |
EP, EC Kattilan Big Time Operator, JW, DSM, DM Oriental Shorthair ebony |
EC FIN*Kaikuniemen Don Ottavio, DM Oriental Shorthair lavender |
EP FIN*Kattilan Choo-Z-Suzy Oriental Shorthair black-tabby-ticked |
Tistan Wisteria Oriental Longhairhair blue-tortie |
CH FIN*Tistan Trollius Siamese red-tabby-point |
CH FIN * Tistan Queen«s- Lace Oriental Longhair lilac-tortie |
Swe-Scot Hester Balinese red-point |
Doral Wallace Balinese red-point |
GC Spindiamond Sundaysun Balinese red-point |
Ronsline Ladyinred Balinese red-point |
Swe-Scot Vicky Balinese chocolate-tortie-point |
Ronsline Rob Roy Balinese red-point |
Swe-Scot Holly Balinese lilac-tabby-point |